by BlueCat | Dec 28, 2018 | The BlueCat Screenplay Competition Blog
As a writer, I often forget something——writing creates more writing. If I write, the act of writing inspires new ideas and places for my characters to go, turns I did not imagine for my story at all. Writing is so much stronger an act of development than...
by BlueCat | Dec 14, 2018 | The BlueCat Screenplay Competition Blog
Nearly every writer reading this is in the same place—–we haven’t finished our script! There’s something creating a roadblock to completing our draft. It could be the final script or the first draft, or one of many rewrites. Either way, we are...
by BlueCat | Dec 6, 2018 | The BlueCat Screenplay Competition Blog
I recently confronted myself over the idea of how willing I am to write. I talk about myself as a writer and it’s a big part of my identity. I’m a writer. And I work the way I do and approach my work with a certain attitude that does not tend to change...
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