BlueCat Writers Blog
7 Things to Do Before You Rewrite Your Script
Admitting you need to rewrite your script should be obvious, but our admission at the deepest level that our story has problems is not a foregone conclusion to writers. I have often known I needed to do a rewrite, but inside my heart, I want to believe it is closer...
How the Writer Starts Over
How did you begin? For me, my earliest memory was Mrs. Collins, my second grade teacher. asking us to write a story after she had taught us how to write the letters of the alphabet. I wrote a story called THREE MILES FROM NILLYPOO. It was linear. It had three acts. It...
Late Deadline – December 13th, 2020
The Late Deadline for BlueCat’s 2021 Screenplay Competition is Sunday, December 13th, 2020. Written Analysis Every script submission will receive a complimentary written analysis. Scripts submitted by the Late Deadline will receive written analysis by February 3rd,...
What The Writer Owes Every Character
Do you know why people love stories? Why do people look at their televisions and watch other human beings act out events in life? Why do people walk into a movie theatre and sit for two hours motionless watching other people in motion? They know that the people on the...
How Writers Outgrow Their Own Scripts
The act of writing, the art of creating story, is never mastered, yet this simple belief is forgotten every day. Writers create from the skill they have developed, a practice they have established, embraced and made habit. And they race toward answers and the final...
Why Your Script is Hated by One Reader and Loved by Another
It's a wonderful feeling when someone reads your script and loves it. To receive positive feedback after working so hard is incredibly affirming. When someone loves your script, it's natural to believe you have succeeded in what you set out to do. And when more than...
How to Write a Script in the Pandemic of 2020
We writers are working in a day and an age none of us have ever seen. But like every writer that has come before us, nothing will stop our desire to create and use our voices to communicate our stories to the audiences of our future. We are quarantined. We are...
7 Things To Do When Your Script Is Done
Writers think about two things when they're writing a script: how do I finish and what will happen when my script is done. Both of these questions challenge the writer with uncertainty. We want to write the best script we've ever written, and we want to see it...
7 Ways To Check If Your Script is Done
You think your script is done? How do writers know when a script is ready for submission? This is a very important question as you might not get a second chance with the right person. If you want to know when your script is ready to submit to a producer, manager, or...
The Most Important Part Of Your Script
A writer needs to do many things well to write a script that not only gets produced, but that audiences love. Emotionally engaging narrative, authentic characters, and dynamic dialogue are only a few elements of a successful script. And if any part of the script falls...
The Difference Between a TV Idea and a Movie Idea
The difference between a movie idea and a TV idea can make a considerable impact on a writer's career. With the market for narrative content for streaming services continuing to expand, every writer now has to consider whether their stories are better suited for TV or...
The Last Script You’ll Ever Write
What if you knew the script you're working on would be the last script you'll ever write? How might that change what you choose to write? Every time a writer begins, they believe their next script will be their best. Do you believe that? Do you tell yourself that? If...
8 Things to Avoid Writing on the First Page of Your Script
Have you looked at the first page of your script lately? Page one is the very first thing a reader will see when they open your script, and often times problems exist immediately and set the story back before it even gets started. I've opened tens of thousands of...
What is a Character Arc?
A character arc, sometimes called a through-line or inner journey, is how a character changes. The arc is the story of the character within the story of your script. A character will hopefully start in one place and end up in another----- a beginning, a middle, and an...
Watch New Teaser from BlueCat Winner DEATH OF A FOOL
We're excited to announce that BlueCat's 2018 Feature Winner, DEATH OF A FOOL by Ismael Gomez III and Joe Leone, was recently made into a movie and a new teaser has been released! Set in Miami, the story follows a teenager and his dying grandfather who conduct...
Interview with BlueCat Alum Fergal Rock
A few years back, Fergal Rock won BlueCat's Fellini Award for his script CALVIN & SKYE. Recently, the script was produced starring Maisie Williams and Aja Butterfield. The movie has a new title -- THEN CAME YOU -- and is currently streaming on Netflix We checked...
How to Start Writing Again When You’re Stuck
Every writer hits a wall. Some say if you don't get stuck writing your script you haven't worked on it long enough. Akira Kurosawa admitted to feeling despair every time he wrote a script, and every time he wanted to give up. Writers sometimes believe they're alone in...
What An Audience Really Wants From Your Script
If you're trying to write a successful script----a script that gets produced and seen by a large number of viewers----you obviously want your script to be loved by your audience. So if we want people to watch our work, we need to know why they watch stories in the...
Vote For Your Favorite Script Titles!
Here are the top 10 titles you all voted for! Now it's time to pick the winners. We have three categories – Feature, Pilot and Short. Please pick ONE title from each category. This round of voting will end Monday, August 26th at Midnight PST. Please submit only one...
Voting Opens for the BlueCat Title Contest
The BlueCat Title Contest Begins! Here are the top titles and now it's time for the public to vote for their favorites! We have three categories - Feature, Pilot and Short. You're allowed to vote for 5 features, 3 pilots and 3 shorts. This round of voting...
How to Write A Script Without A Plan
Creative writing works when the writing creates. The act of writing to invent character and narrative is the most powerful way to make an original story. So if writing, in and of itself, is a highly effective way to develop a successful script, why are we told to plan...